What To Do On A Long Weekend //

I am SO excited for the long weekend coming up! It’s so nice having that extra day to do whatever your heart desires. My extra day is usually spent getting organized and caught up on little tasks. This Family Day weekend try indulging in something therapeutic and just for you! I love taking quick local getaways on long weekends, whether it’s an overnight stay in Seattle, or a couple nights spent in the Okanagan wine tasting, there’s nothing quite like escaping reality if only for a few days. 

If you’re a busy bee, take the whole day to just relax and, I’ll say it, be lazy! Cuddle in bed all morning and if you eventually decide to get up, only do it to make banana nutella crepes. 

This may sound strange, but there’s something so refreshing and relaxing about getting organized. My closet has been getting quite out of control lately, and I’m noticing more and more items that I’ve either worn once or not at all. This holiday Monday is the perfect opportunity to sort through the rubbish and prepare for SPRING! 

You know when you tell yourself you’re going to try and make time to do something and it never really happens. This is what happens with me and baking. I tell myself all the time that I should bake more, but life gets in the way and it never ends up happening. Take your extra day to do something you love and something you’ve been telling yourself you’d do, for me, that’s baking chocolate chip cookies. 

There really is nothing quite like an at home spa day. Pick up some refreshing goodies from Eco Diva Beauty, light some candles, put on some soothing music (try a okay list from Songza), and pour yourself a glass of wine. You’re having a ‘me’ day! 

Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful Wednesday. 