Shampoo: Pureology | Conditioner: Pureology | Bodywash: Farmhouse Fresh | Treatment: Kerastase | Facial Scrub: Clinique | Candle: Vancouver Candle Company
First off, let me start by saying many of these products, well, the hair products were all suggestions from my sister, Joelle. You see, she has had some atrocious hair (sorry Joelle!). She dyed it every colour of the rainbow and ended up with what we can only describe as rooster bangs and split ends like you’ve never seen. She started a hair regiment and her locks have done a 180! It now is super healthy and grows like a weed! She swears by these products which is was got me on the Pureology/Kerastase train. Not only is Pureology Hydrate amazing for dry/damaged hair, it smells like a day at the spa and fills your shower with the invigorating scent of eucalyptus. 
I used to use Kerastase Ciment Thermique when I was in high school and have recently fallen back in love. It leaves your locks soft and healthy looking and is the ultimate heat protectant. 
When I need a good scrub a dub in the shower I use Whoopie Cream body wash by Farmhouse Fresh. This smells AMAZING! It literally smells like you stepped inside a bakery and they’re whipping up some vanilla cake with whipped cream. Use this with a big fluffy loofa, it will leave you feeling divine. 
Sometimes it’s hard to remember to give your beautiful face a little exfoliant every once in a while. That’s why I started keeping my exfoliant in my shower – it’s right there when I need a little buffing. I had hunted around for a scrub for a long time and this is definitely my favorite. I have super sensitive skin so the Clinique 7 day scrub cream is the perfect exfoliant for me, it leaves my skin feeling fresh and hydrated. 
Lastly, whenever you’re having a bath/shower/me time, a decedent candle is always a good idea. It takes those 10 minutes of self-therapy to the next level. Recently I have fallen head over heels for Vancouver Candle Company. Not only is their packaging the and will go with any bath, but their scents are gorgeous. 