With Summer fast approaching it’s time to go back to the light side. I love switching up my hair, there’s nothing that makes me feel more refreshed and confident! Therefore, I dye my hair quite often – almost every fall I’ll go to an ombré, dark for winter, and come March, it’s time to start the cycle over again and go lighter. With all the colour changes there will no doubt be some damage, so I wanted to share what it’s really like dying your hair so often.
Back in 2014, I met Calvyn Cass who at the time was working for another salon, but has since opened his own stunning space – BRUSH. Calvyn successfully took me from a horrific box dyed brown/grey colour, to a vibrant bright blonde in just two visits and just in time for my wedding. Calvyn has been my go-to stylist ever since. When Calvyn and I work together we always go into it knowing that there could be a bit of damage because I do change my colour so often. I think it’s important to go into any dye appointment knowing the risks. Is my hair maybe a bit thinner than it used to be? Yes. However, when it comes to switching my colour, the reward always outweighs the risk. You should also know that you may not get what you want the first go-around, especially when you’re making the journey to blondesville. I recently started the trek back to a bright vibrant blonde and I have so far had two visits, I think by the time I go for my third I will be back to where I want to be. So be prepared to invest some time and dinero into your locks. Also, invest in an amazing stylist and salon. If you show up to a salon with brown hair and expectations of going platinum overnight ala Kylie K, think again, even worse, if the stylist says she can do it, run! It’s important to find a stylist that will of course do their best to get you to where you want to be, but to not jeopardize your hair’s overall livelihood. 
In my opinion, there is no better salon than BRUSH, and there is no better stylist than Calvyn, I definitely highly recommend them for your hair needs and especially for people like me that can never stay the same colour for too long. Check out my most recent visit below and take a peek into the process of going blonde for summer.