Let me start by saying I am SO late to the skin care game. I have to admit I’m sort of the worst when it comes to skincare (may or may not have fallen asleep with my makeup on a time or two.. or ten). Lately I’ve been feeling like my skin always looks super tired and dry from the summer heat. I also have combination skin so it can be tricky sometimes to find the right products to give me the healthy fresh skin and glow I’m looking for.
I wanted to share with you a couple things I’ve found that have helped me in my fight to prevent tired skin. 
1. H20
A seemingly obvious one.. lots and lots of water! I recently picked up a blender bottle and challenged myself to drink three of them a day. I have been doing this for about a week now and I’m positive this is one of the reasons my skin is feeling as hydrated and fresh as it is. Aside from skin, water is just working wonders overall, my body feels cleansed and I feel more energized. 
2. A great sunscreen
Again on the topic of being the worst at taking care of my skin, I only recently became adamant at putting on sunscreen every single day. Even if it’s not super sunny, those rays will get you. The sun combined with the summer heat can make your skin feel super tough and dry. I would suggest investing in a great sunscreen to help combat any early aging and give you that fresh faced feeling – I picked up this sunscreen from The Vanity Lab the other day and it is perfect – super luxurious formula and it is also a primer and skin tint all in one. 
3. Argan Oil 
I recently started using the Josie Maran Argan Oil as a way to moisturize and combat any areas prone to oil (oil to fight oil who knew?!). I love the formula – makes my skin feel super hydrated. It’s also great for summer, sometimes when I want a bare face for the day I’ll just put my argan oil on and it gives me such a gorgeous summer glow. 
4. Regular facial treatments
Remember when I said I was late to the skincare game? Can you believe that I have NEVER had a facial treatment?! That is until this past week. I was so excited when The Vanity Lab reached out to offer me my first ever facial treatment.
A few days ago I received their microderm treatment which was nice because it wasn’t painful or invasive yet gave my skin the perfect refresh and glow I was wanting. They use a little exfoliating tool (made with crushed diamonds – helloooo!) to buff and remove any dead skin before applying a light peel and a super hydrating facial mask to finish. I’m not lying when I say I have been staring at my skin all week! It has felt super hydrated, fresh, and perfectly dewy ever since! The only issue is that now I’m addicted 😉 I believe they recommend a once a month treatment – the perfect little treat to refresh and get ready for a new month!