Pants: c/o Le Château | Jacket: c/o Missguided | Shoes: Garment Project | Purse: Gucci


I have been blogging for something like six years now and that’s insane. When I first started it was because I was completely enthralled by it. I used to stalk Cupcakes and Cashmere like it was nobody’s business and when I would go into work as a teller, the first thing I would do is open up to see what Emily had been up to – she was my favourite and is who inspired me to start cultivating what I love and share it with the world. Back then blogging was very different. There was no instagram (and no f***ing algorithm), just a little website all my own where I could share things I loved. As the whole blogging world has morphed and completely turned on it’s head, I think it’s safe to say being a blogger in 2017 is completely different than it was in 2011. I remember when instagram first launched I could post a photo of my desk, or my bracelets and get 300+ likes – those were the days. Doing this for a living is straight up a roller coaster ride. One wrong instagram post can make you want to throw it all to the garbage. But one RIGHT instagram can make you feel like you’re walking on air – it’s a very tricky business. As I’ve navigated through and grown throughout my blogging career one of the biggest topics has been authenticity. In this online world it’s almost impossible to not compare yourself to everyone else. Why is she growing and I’m not? Why did they pick them and not me? Why do my photos not get that many likes? Why do they get to go there? There has always been this little voice in my head asking these questions, and it’s so easy to tell yourself to stop but the act of stopping is a different story. I feel that as I get older, I come to know more about who I am and what I want. Over the past few months I have been consciously working on me, my platforms, and staying in my own lane while still being supportive of my fellow blogettes, and really trying to hone in on my authentic self and keeping things 100 with you guys. If there’s any big takeaway I have from 2017 it’s to DO YOU, and to really take the time to create substantial authentic content. I used to be so rushed to just get new content out that it was just content without content? Ya know?


With all that being said I want you to know that when I share things with you it’s because it’s something I truly love, and it fits in with my life. I have also been posting grams instantly lately (instagram – get it?!), to be more in the moment with you guys and share my life as is. So I hope you guys enjoy what I put out and continue to follow along because I so appreciate it.


And back to the topic of my outfit! These pants are super comfy from Le Château – a brand who I am so excited to be signing another contract with for 2018 because they are Canada based and an all around amazing, thoughtful, determined brand to work with.


