I was so excited when Black Cellar wines reached out to do a little write up on how Danny and I like to spend our time together. I thought I would put a bit of a different spin on it and use this opportunity to write a little virtual love letter to my forever valentine and share why I love spending not only today but everyday with you.
My day always starts with a kiss and more often than not a laugh. You are probably the funniest person I know and I think one of the only people that always laughs at my jokes. I remember when we first started dating thinking it was so easy to be around you and with you because you were always so positive, light hearted, and you laughed at my jokes. We have a bizarre sense of humour and sometimes speak a whole different language but it makes sense to us. When we wake up in the morning (to the G jumping on top of us) you more often than not take morning dog walking duty upon yourself and let me have that extra five minutes.
Everyday you get up and get to work to build your business and achieve your goals, you work to create the perfect life for myself and our pup – you are so inspiring.
When I have down days you change my outlook and create sun out of rain. Often times I have such bad days where I feel like giving up on everything and all it takes is a phone call for you to give me that little push I so need to keep going. My day continues with my drive into the office where I blast ‘today’s latin hits’ which you got me hooked on. I work on Hastings so Gigi’s afternoon walks are nothing short of interesting and sometimes a little frightening so I call you every time to make sure if I get robbed you’re on the other end to hear it lol!
I think my absolute favourite part of the day is when I get home from work and I’m with Gigi and not long after, you walk in the door. I don’t know who gets more excited Gigi or me. It’s been almost ten years together and I still get excited every day to see you walk in the apartment door. Actually I lied, my true absolute favourite part of the day is when we pour ourselves a glass of wine. We are horrible influences on each other and it often only takes one of us asking for the other one to cave.
Some of my favourite nights are when we play chill spanish music, sip red wine, and cook dinner together – it really doesn’t get better. Not that I want anyone to think that we’re alcoholics lol but I love drinking with you. Sometimes we’ll go out to eat, order a bottle of wine and talk about whatever pops into our heads and completely forget about our phones (hallelujah). As a whole, we are notoriously bad for binging on netflix shows, as of late it’s been Peaky Blinders, and you never fail to offer to pour me a glass of wine to watch it with. That’s another thing, I love when you offer to pour me a glass of wine. There’s something so soothing, old school, and charming to it. Also pictured above is Midnight in Paris – this movie will forever remind me of you and be one of my favourites from when we spent a whole Saturday together making homemade tapenade, drinking bottles of french rosé, and watching Midnight in Paris.
This is our life together, and I love every minute of it. We’re a bit boring, we love our dog more than some people love their children, we love drinking wine, and simply, we love each other. Thank you for being you and for being my Valentine for yet another year.
your chula