Like I’m sure every other mom to be out there, I have a preggo app that tracks how far along I am and compares my baby to some sort of fruit every week allowing me to visualize the size of my growing human. I have a couple of these apps and more so now in my third trimester they’re always talking about lack of sleep and how restless nights are super common in pregnancy. Although I can’t say I’ve gone completely without tossing and turning a few nights, it really hasn’t been that bad. I wanted to share the few changes I’ve done/been doing that I feel have really helped me get some much needed shut eye especially into this third trimester.
1. Two words: pregnancy pillow
These things are an absolute godsend. I’m literally writing this post from mine now. Not only are they like adult bean bag chairs and the comfiest things to lay around in all day. They’re the best at night for easing pressure on the hips and belly.
2. A warm bath
Lately I’ve had one or two nights where my belly has been super tight, crampy, and all around uncomfortable. So I’ve found taking 20 minutes to run myself a warm bath makes a huge difference.
3. Resist the urge to check social media & emails
This is a hard one for me. As soon as I wake up I gravitate towards my phone which is so bad. Not only the anxiety of checking emails and social media but the blue light alone will snap you awake real quick. So if you do find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, as hard as it is.. resist the urge!
4. Invest in a luxe eye mask
Not only will it make you feel super bougie but a luxe satin eye mask will help keep those ojos closed and your mind in the dark to help you stay asleep.
5. Make sure you’re going to bed in a clean space
This is a game changer. That pile of clothes that’s been lingering? Put it away. Your carpets? Vacuum them. Your bed? Ensure it’s fresh and made. Makes a serious difference in your sleep and how you feel waking up, trust me!
6. Pick up a good nighttime pillow spray
This is a tip that I recently incorporated into my routine. Everything you do in your nighttime/winding down routine is going to prep you for a good night’s rest. Including prepping your pillow and sleeping space. To help with this last leg of pregnancy I picked up This Works’ Deep Sleep Pillow Spray. Unlike Danny who can literally fall asleep anywhere, I need some help with my initial snooze. The spray releases a fragrance that calms the mind and allows you to slip away into a calming sleep. This has been a game changer during this pregnancy! It really helps set the tone before a good night’s sleep.
Also, if you do toss throughout the night, This Works has a Sleep Plus+ Pillow Spray designed to help those who struggle to stay asleep. The spray on the pillow will continue to release as you move, re-calming you back to sleep. This Works is now available in store and online at ULTA Beauty making it super easy to pick up this nighttime essential.
With less than three weeks to go this mama is going to take all the shut-eye she can get!
Thank you to This Works for partnering on this post.
#ThisWorksForMe #UltaBeauty